Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Hmm.. life has gotten stagnant here.. So is my blog. LOL

After all these years, i still hate ACCA. But I'll try my best to complete it? heh ~

And also I've gotten lots of feedback that I'm so unapproachable..

This is what people usually say about me :
1. Proud. Sombong. Hidung Tinggi
2. Ice Queen ( I'm very cold towards people.. )
3. Cold Blooded ( Always rejecting people?? )
4. Stone cold heart ( no feelings.. emotion..)

I should be feeling rejected and dejected now.. BUT I kinda feel happy about it??
Why?????? Maybe because I'm weird that way. hmmm

Since I'm so cold etc etc.. I did TRY to be friendly

1st attempt - Said hi to a guy with the friendliest smile i can manage.
His reaction - he jumped. Yes. jumped. And stuttered h..hi.. E..zra..
 *told dad about it.. and he said that my smile is CREEPY. ahhahah

2nd attempt - Walk towards a group of people and they dispersed.. O.O Am i that scary???

So.. I'll just be the stone cold me.. sigh.. # FOREVERALONE


Since most of the people around me has a bf/gf. I feel left out. *SNIFF
I also want a BF. sigh...........

Look on the bright side. I'll be going to KL again next Thursday~~ wheee~~
Actually i just came back from KL last week..

I love KL so much.The FOOD. SHOPPING.
And i might just move there to fulfill my whimsical dreams <3