Saturday, April 9, 2011

Past and Present


so emo.
Went window shopping with my bestie today.
saw some pretty necklaces. Bears.cute fluffy keychain. Gift boxes.

It reminded me of my secondary school life.
Gifts like necklace, earring, bears, keychains are a norm to me.
I know i'll get them on Vday or Bday or Mooncake Festival (yea, i received roses once!! hahah. weird.)
I get all excited and jumpy when i received all these gift.

As i get older, things like that gets lesser and lesser..
I no longer receive necklace, bears or keychains.
No more fuss during my bday. It just feels like a yearly routine to me.

I 'loved' to text... I loved receiving sms... I like answering calls...
My heart always skipped a beat when my phone rings.
"Hi, Ezra. How's your day?"
"Hi, Ezra How are you?" etcetc
I look forward to everything.

Now, i dread when my phone rings.
"Miss Ezra, your payment of RMxxx is due"
"Miss Ezra, you missed your appointment"

Bleh. Growing up is NO FUN AT ALL!
I wanna go back to those days. Life used to be so happy! Exciting! Carefree!

When bees swarmed over me, i complained.
Now all the bees are gone. occasionally there's a few lalats. LOL * only my mother knows what i'm talking about here. *
Bo hu, he ya ho?

No point for me to dwell in the past.
What is done is done. What is gone is gone.

I wish there's a REPLAY button or REWIND button in my life.
I'll just replay all the happy parts in my life. How great it'll be :)

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